LiuGong News

LiuGong Dressta Machinery Takes Customers’ Needs as Top Priority in Uzbekistan


One of the recent projects of LiuGong Dressta Machinery (LDM) and a key customer in Uzbekistan was the signing of a contract for the supply of 49 machines (534E, 560E EX, TD-15M EX, TD-25M EX, TD-40E EX, SB-60M EX). In the autumn of 2017, the first batch of new machines was shipped and operator training was started.

After initial usage, the customer’s requirements continued to evolve, and special requirements were requested by the customer. The LDM team endeavored to fulfill the customer’s needs. For example, a crane in place of a ripper on the TD-15M for transporting railway lines and also a TD-25M Ex with the mi¬nimum lifting capacity of 12 tons.



The customer also requested the reinforcement of the attachments. The blade plate was reinforced, and vertical edges were applied; also reinforced were the blade beams and the covers of hydraulic cylinders.

One of the major working sites for the Dressta machines is the Kalmakir open-pit mine, where, twice a week, the levels of the ore are blasted with explosives for extraction. To save time, bla¬sting is carried out in several places at the same time. The unnecessary spoils and ore are transported by the railway line as well as by 160-tonne BelAZ haulers.

LDM chairman, Howard C. Dale, Director Wiesław Jakóbik, Wojciech Gardziała, repre-sentative of the LDM service, accompanied by the represen¬tatives of the regional distributor Korund from Kazakhstan and Mashimport from Uzbekistan, visited the site and sealed a new chapter of the cooperation between the 2 sides along with the opening of a spare parts center and a service center in the customer’s newly opened mine.



To quickly accommodate the needs of the customer, a shipping container was converted into a training room and was equipped with technical documentation, hydraulic and electrical diagrams, manuals in the Uzbek language, which is the only understandable language for most operators.

In addition, the center has been equipped with professio¬nal tools for servicing and repairing machines. As part of a new project, about 60 operators and mechanics have already been trained. In the second half of July, another 75 operators were trained.

The spare parts warehouse, which is also located in the mine, provides service personnel to carry out warranty service for all new machine models.


After nearly 20 years of cooperation, close to 100 Dressta machines are working at the customers properties. Thanks to LDM and dealers’ joint efforts, we have gained the trust of the customer, which is why we have overtaken our competitors.

The person responsible for cooperation for more than 20 years with the very customer in the technical field is Wojciech Gardziała, a long-time employee of the LDM Service Department. “Star¬ting from the first training and putting the first machine into service, to the assembly of the last batch, I support it in technical and organizational terms. From the mouth of our contractors in Uzbekistan, we hear that LDM has the best service in UZ, and the word “Dressta” means prestige” stated Wojciech Gardziała.

Thanks to all LiuGong Dressta’s activities and hare work along with that of the local representatives, Korund and Mashimport, the customer plans to purchase another 18 machines (the TD-25M, TD-40E and 560E models).